The District has a heterogeneous population with the majority comprising Naga tribes from all over Nagaland.
Population : 378811 ( Census 2011 )
Male : 197394
Female : 181417
Density per sq. km as per 2011 census : 409
Urban Population : 197869
Rural population : 180942
Child population from 0-6 age group:
Total child population of this age group : 50898
Male :25889
Female : 25009
Population of aged 7 and above:
Total population in this age group : 327913
Male : 171505
Female : 156408
Sex ratio (female per 1000 male) : 937 in rural and 903 in urban
Literacy population : 278037
Literacy rate for:
Male : 150142
Female : 127895
Percentage : 84.79%
Population projection in 2021 : 524142