


Population : 378811 (Census 2011)
Eligible couple :  62504
Expected pregnant women :  6559
Expected live Birth : 5909

District Health Centres :

  • District Hospital (Civil ) : 1 (One)no.
  • C.H.C (Medziphema & Dhansiripar) : 2 (Two)nos.
  • P.H.C (Niuland, Chumukidema, Kuhuboto Molvum,  : 9(Nine) nos.
    Ruzaphema, Zuikhu, Piphema, Pherima & Singrijan) 
  • Urban Primary Health Center (UPHC) at Duncan and Burma : 2 (Two) nos.
  • Sub-Centres : 46 (Forty six) nos.

Nihokhu, Hovishe, Sahoi, L.Vihoto, Hukai, Nitozu, Homeland, Zukihe, Khagaboto, Lotovi, Khehokhu, Pukhato, Suhoi, Jharnapani, Tsiephema, Socunoma, 7th Mile, Diphupar, Aoyimti, Sovima, Naga united, Seithekeima, Tenyiphe, Shozukhu, Razaphema, Shokhuvi, Samaguri, Pimla, Daniel, Khekiho, Munglamukh, Bade, Bade, Doyapur, Nagarjan, Kacharigaon, Aoyimkum, Rangapahar, Lingrijan, Purana Bazar, Thilixu, Sematilla, Chikeye, Sangtamtilla, Xuvihe, Town.  

  • Homoeopathic Dispensary : 1 (One)no.
  • District TB Center: 1 (One)no.
  • Integrated AYUSH Hospital: 1 (One)no.
  • ART Center: 1 (One)no.
  • Blood Bank: 1 (One)no.
  • Urban Leprosy Clinic: 1 (One)no.
  • District Sentinel Surveillance Site : 1 (One)no.
  • Non-Communicable Disease Clinic: 1 (One)no.
  • Youth Friendly Clinic: 1 (One)no.

VERTICAL PROGRAMMES : programme Name Program officer Contact Number
1 Revised National TB Control Program Dr. Talitoba 9436439706
2 National Tobacco Control Program Dr. C. Tetseo 9436006650
3 Universal Immunization Program Dr. Rebecca 9436008101
4 National Leprosy Eradication Program Dr. Heto 9436438633
5 National Vector Borne Disease Program Dr. Imtiwopang 9612288073
6 Urban Malaria Scheme Shri. Kikolul 9856448243
7 District AIDS Prevention & Control Unit Smt.Meceivinuo 8415834407
8 National Program for Prevention & Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Dr. Antoly 9436004174

SERVICES/ SCHEMES : Services/Schemes Benefits/Activity
1 Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSK) Incentives given to mother for institutional delivery in public health units.
2 Janani Shishu Suraksha Karayakaram (JSSK) Incentives given to mother and sick neonats in public health units.
3 Family Planning Incentives to eligible couple adopting IUCD and permanent methods of FP in public health units
4 Home Base Neonatal Care (HBNC) Home visits by ASHA to mother with new born child.
5 Routine Immunization Vaccination of children
6 Village Health & Nutrition Day Vaccination of children, ANC, Health awareness.

Services & Contact details at Health centres : Name & type of medical setup Services provided Name of the Doctor/ HW incharge Contact
1 Medziphema CHC OPD,IPD,NBCC,NBSU, Immunization,Blood storage unit, trauma Center,OT,Basic Lab facilities

Dr. N. Sezo



2 Dhansiripar CHC OPD,IPD, Immunization, NBCC, Minor OT,Basic Lab facilities Dr. Moatemjen 8131812550
3 Niuland PHC OPD,IPD, Immunization, NBCC,Basic Lab facilities Dr Kavito 9436007825
4 Kuhuboto PHC OPD,IPD, Immunization,NBCC,Basic Lab facilities Dr Caroline 9436274860
5 Chumukedima PHC OPD,IPD, Immunization , NBCC,Basic Lab facilities Dr L.Chem 9612733241
6 Singrijan PHC OPD,IPD, Immunization Dr Toska 9436002658
7 Molvom PHC OPD,IPD,NBCC, Immunization Dr Lishilo 8974323533
8 Pherima PHC OPD,IPD, Immunization Dr D. Kapfo 9436444309
9 Ruzaphema PHC OPD,IPD, Immunization No Medical officer at present
10 Zuikhu PHC OPD,IPD, Immunization Dr Valentina  9436003282
11 Piphema PHC OPD,IPD, Immunization Dr Noune 9436609274
12 UPHC Burma Camp OPD,IPD, Immunization Dr Anguto  9774529583
13 UPHC Duncan OPD,IPD, Immunization Dr Toboli 9774348189
14 Aoyimkum SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9856368671
15 Chekiye SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9856765940
16 Kacharigaon SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9612192289
17 Lengrijan SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9856141897
18 Nagarjan SC OPD, Immunization ANM 8974157622
19 Purana Bazar SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9856683795
20 Rangapahar SC OPD, Immunization ANM 8415009470
21 Sangtamtilla SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9436266419
22 Sematilla SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9436064119
23 Thilixu SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9612197339
24 Town SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9856222019
25 Xuvihe SC OPD, Immunization ANM 8014379933
26 7th mile SC OPD, Immunization ANM 8014573854
27 Aoyimti SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9856580522
28 Diphupar SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9436261732
29 Naga United SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9436600991
30 Razaphe SC OPD, Immunization ANM 8257055256
31 Samaguri SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9856220689
32 Seithekima SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9436440867
33 Shokhuvi SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9856891505
34 Shozukhu SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9856323861
35 Sovima SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9856275763
36 Tenyiphe SC OPD, Immunization ANM 8730085217
37 Sahoi SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9612315315
38 Nitozu SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9615090314
39 l.vihoto SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9862667403
40 Khaghaboto SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9856302553
41 Nihokhu SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9402724528
42 Hovishe SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9856287975
43 Homeland SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9436215493
44 Zukihe SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9615000750
45 Hukai SC OPD, Immunization, Institutional Delivery ANM 8014773595
46 Suhoi SC OPD, Immunization ANM 8794867512
47 Khehokhu SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9402206956 
48 Pukhato SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9856983802
49 Lotovi SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9402087872
50 Khekiho SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9774609715
51 Pimla SC OPD, Immunization, Institutional Delivery ANM 8014563118
52 Diezephe SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9856219479
53 Munglamukh SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9856315670
54 Daniel SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9402869634
55 Bade SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9856962665
56 Doyapur SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9856662676
57 SOCUNOMA SC OPD, Immunization ANM 8014117820
58 JHARNAPANI SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9856257882
59 TSIEPAMA SC OPD, Immunization ANM 9856930885

Nagaland Health and Family Welfare website :